Tellus Agronomics offers a variety of services that are focused on improving productivity, reducing input costs, and increasing profitability.

Precision Soil Sampling & Variable Rate Fertilizer Recommendations
Precision Soil Sampling is based on management zones. Zones are created by evaluating and merging multiple sources of information.

Variable Rate Population Prescriptions
Population recommendations for management zones are derived from various data sources.

Virginia Certified Nutrient Management Plans
We are experienced in writing all types of plans, including: grain, hay, pasture, confined animal feeding operations, biosolids, turf, and specialty crops such as orchards, vineyards, and nurseries.

On-Farm Research
Our consultants work with growers to develop useful trials to test new products, new management practices, and new crop varieties.

Crop Scouting
Tellus Agronomics conducts intensive scouting for all major row crops in the northern half of Virginia.

Cost-Share Guidance and Planning
Both state and federal cost-share programs are facilitated through the integration of our guidance and planning.

Conventional Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendations
Standard soil testing and analysis allows us to make fertilizer product recommendations that are focused on meeting both economic and production goals.

Data Management and Summarization
Current technologies allow growers to collect significant amounts of data. We put that data to work by summarizing it into useful, easy to understand information.